Fear Of Childbirth
Some thoughts to help you prepare for the birth of your baby!
I hope that by addressing some common fears and sharing information about the birth process, that mothers-to-be can feel confident about having their babies. We will talk about pregnancy and body changes, labor and stages of labor, pain and how to deal with it, the female anatomy and how our bodies were made to give birth. We will also talk about things that interfere and make us doubt our bodies and how we can help get rid of those doubts.
We did not have to figure out how to make our baby grow inside us, just as we do not need to figure out how to give birth. Your body knows how to do it! We just need to learn about the birthing process and stay relaxed and let our body do it's job.
One of the main differences between good and bad birth experience for a lot of women, is their ability to accept each moment of birth for what it is and not want to change it. The same is true for all women who have normal births and say it was 'easy' versus those who say it was 'horrible'. It's about releasing resistance and stepping into acceptance. When you are able to let go of all the resistance and let your body open, move, push... and birth...It will change your entire birthing experience! Letting go of any fear or tension that may arise, while facing the unknown and leaning into the moment with total acceptance. Knowing that your body is doing exactly what it needs to do, to bring your baby to you, and allowing that moment to just be. It's amazing! It's awesome! Not that I'm saying it's easy, but it can be a very empowering experience! This is the answer to giving birth and being able have good memories of it!
So let's talk about the scariest part of childbirth, which for most people is, the thought of pain. I want to talk about why we have pain and how to deal with it.
Here is some info about pain that I found to be very helpful and makes a lot of sense to me.
An English obstetrician named Grantly Dick-Read practiced medicine in the 1920's. He was use to offering all mothers chloroform for the pain but when he had a few women refuse the chloroform, he became intrigued by the idea of childbirth without fear. Dick-Read went on to study, observe, and write about birth as a natural process in a document he wrote called "Natural Childbirth."
I hope that by addressing some common fears and sharing information about the birth process, that mothers-to-be can feel confident about having their babies. We will talk about pregnancy and body changes, labor and stages of labor, pain and how to deal with it, the female anatomy and how our bodies were made to give birth. We will also talk about things that interfere and make us doubt our bodies and how we can help get rid of those doubts.
We did not have to figure out how to make our baby grow inside us, just as we do not need to figure out how to give birth. Your body knows how to do it! We just need to learn about the birthing process and stay relaxed and let our body do it's job.
One of the main differences between good and bad birth experience for a lot of women, is their ability to accept each moment of birth for what it is and not want to change it. The same is true for all women who have normal births and say it was 'easy' versus those who say it was 'horrible'. It's about releasing resistance and stepping into acceptance. When you are able to let go of all the resistance and let your body open, move, push... and birth...It will change your entire birthing experience! Letting go of any fear or tension that may arise, while facing the unknown and leaning into the moment with total acceptance. Knowing that your body is doing exactly what it needs to do, to bring your baby to you, and allowing that moment to just be. It's amazing! It's awesome! Not that I'm saying it's easy, but it can be a very empowering experience! This is the answer to giving birth and being able have good memories of it!
So let's talk about the scariest part of childbirth, which for most people is, the thought of pain. I want to talk about why we have pain and how to deal with it.
Here is some info about pain that I found to be very helpful and makes a lot of sense to me.
An English obstetrician named Grantly Dick-Read practiced medicine in the 1920's. He was use to offering all mothers chloroform for the pain but when he had a few women refuse the chloroform, he became intrigued by the idea of childbirth without fear. Dick-Read went on to study, observe, and write about birth as a natural process in a document he wrote called "Natural Childbirth."
His findings brought personal and professional ridicule, but that did not stop him from sharing his beliefs. In fact, he pressed on and wrote his book "Childbirth Without Fear ".
In a part of his book, Childbirth Without Fear, Dick-Read explains, If a women is healthy, she should not experience a lot of pain in childbirth. In no animal species is the process of birth seemingly associated with suffering, pain or agony, (except with animals in captivity, if they can't be alone and do things as they naturally would).
Dick-Read came to the conclusion that the fear felt by a woman during childbirth caused blood to be filtered away from her uterus, so it could be used by the muscles that would flee the dangerous situation. As a result, the uterus was left without oxygen and could not perform its functions efficiently or without pain.
So he discovered that the women who suffered most in childbirth were the ones that were most afraid. Fear he learned has a most profound effect on the body. When a person is in a state of fear, messages are sent to the brain telling it to either fight the perceived danger or run away from it.
Blood and oxygen instantly rush into the muscle structure, which in turn gives the body the power it needs to survive. Any organs that are not needed for either the "fight or flight" are then drained of blood and oxygen so that it can be sent to the area where it is needed. This explains why people turn "white as a sheet" when they are afraid. The body assumes that the face is not in need of blood and oxygen as much as the legs, for instance, which is why when given that extra blood and oxygen a person can run from danger. In addition to the face, the blood is also drained from the brain, the digestive organs and the uterus. Dick-Read found that the uterus of a frightened women in labor is literally white! Without the fuel that it needs, the uterus cannot function correctly and therefore causes labor to hurt!!
This belief led to Dick-Read's theory that fear and tension are the cause of labor pain in approximately 95% of birthing women. He termed this phenomenon "the fear-tension-pain syndrome of childbirth," and he believed that by eliminating the fear, women could return the uterus to its normal function, thereby decreasing the pain. You can get his book here:
In a part of his book, Childbirth Without Fear, Dick-Read explains, If a women is healthy, she should not experience a lot of pain in childbirth. In no animal species is the process of birth seemingly associated with suffering, pain or agony, (except with animals in captivity, if they can't be alone and do things as they naturally would).
Dick-Read came to the conclusion that the fear felt by a woman during childbirth caused blood to be filtered away from her uterus, so it could be used by the muscles that would flee the dangerous situation. As a result, the uterus was left without oxygen and could not perform its functions efficiently or without pain.
So he discovered that the women who suffered most in childbirth were the ones that were most afraid. Fear he learned has a most profound effect on the body. When a person is in a state of fear, messages are sent to the brain telling it to either fight the perceived danger or run away from it.
Blood and oxygen instantly rush into the muscle structure, which in turn gives the body the power it needs to survive. Any organs that are not needed for either the "fight or flight" are then drained of blood and oxygen so that it can be sent to the area where it is needed. This explains why people turn "white as a sheet" when they are afraid. The body assumes that the face is not in need of blood and oxygen as much as the legs, for instance, which is why when given that extra blood and oxygen a person can run from danger. In addition to the face, the blood is also drained from the brain, the digestive organs and the uterus. Dick-Read found that the uterus of a frightened women in labor is literally white! Without the fuel that it needs, the uterus cannot function correctly and therefore causes labor to hurt!!
This belief led to Dick-Read's theory that fear and tension are the cause of labor pain in approximately 95% of birthing women. He termed this phenomenon "the fear-tension-pain syndrome of childbirth," and he believed that by eliminating the fear, women could return the uterus to its normal function, thereby decreasing the pain. You can get his book here:
Here is a nice video I found, that explains well, the 5 hormones of childbirth and the role that they play.
So now we know that fear can definitely make your pain worse, the best way to reduce your fear is to understand the process. Which is what i would like to try and help you with.
One of the greatest ways to reduce pain and help you stay relaxed is through TOUCH! The power of touch can be amazing! It has actually been proven that touching someone you care about can release a hormone called "oxytocin". This hormone plays a large roll as it is a necessary part of the birth process and can help stimulate contractions. So through touch your body will release this hormone and actually help your labor along as well as help you to stay calm and relaxed. Oxytocin has also been shown to decrease negative feelings and replace them with positive feelings, also decrease fear and tension and replace it with peaceful, loving feelings.
Touch is believed to be able to ease pain, lessens anxiety, softens the blows of life, generates hope and has the power to heal, according to most experts. Touching can even make your immune system stronger and your mood lighter. The more touches you give or receive, the better you feel. Touching is a necessity for a healthy life. When we touch, whether it is a gentle pat, hug or massage, we receive various benefits. For example, a half-hour massage can boost your immune system and lessen stress making you feel calmer, happier.
I have personally experienced how amazing the power of touch is and I truly believe it is helpful during childbirth!
So having someone that you love or trust with you during labor, touching or massaging you, can be a great help for you while giving birth to your baby. I would like to add, that i believe in all these things talked about on this page, but i am not one of those people who will try to tell you, that you can have a painless birth. Because it can and mostly likely will hurt!
I do however believe that pain during childbirth, is pain with a purpose. There is a goal, and that goal is having your baby in your arms! Your frame of mind and the way you think about birth can greatly effect your experience. For me reading was a key to feel more confident, this book was one that made see birth differently.
I hope to influence you to see the beauty of childbirth and how amazing it is, that our bodies were created to be able to grow and birth a tiny human. To me childbirth is not something to fear, it is an amazing experience that ends with your beautiful baby in your arms!!!
I hope to influence you to see the beauty of childbirth and how amazing it is, that our bodies were created to be able to grow and birth a tiny human. To me childbirth is not something to fear, it is an amazing experience that ends with your beautiful baby in your arms!!!
DISCLAIMER : Nothing on this site is meant in any way to be medical advice! Any questions or problems you may have, should be discussed with your caregiver! Thanks!